James Last Benelux Club
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JLBC - James Last Benelux Club

1982 James Last and the recordcompany Polydor gave us the permission to start the James Last Benelux Club.

The main object is to make James Last and his diverse albums more well-known.

We also organise a "James Last Happyning", where the members can meet each other, can exchange records and experiences, compare documentations, in short: a social evening in the atmosphere of James Last-music.

We publish (in principle quarterly) our magazine in Dutch "Info à Gogo" (with a short translation) which contains information about records, concerts, the career, the orchestra and everything involving James Last. It is fully illustrated with pictures and there is also room for reactions, questions and proposals of the members.

Owing to the good relations with the concertpromotors, we are able to offer our members tickets for the concerts even before they are officailly for sale, with the intention to enjoy a James Last Concert in group.

Join us! Click here!

© James Last Benelux Club
Ontwerp en realisatie: Johan Le Maire - Updating: Marc Le Maire